Kick the Habit of Procrastination with these 6 Steps

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Tendency to procrastinate is a very dangerous sign, especially to your career. Procrastination is a habit, where people tend to avoid important and tedious tasks, and instead go for some more comfortable and enjoyable tasks. Basically, they do not want to take responsibilities or stress in life. But people do not realize that running away from the responsibilities or work will not lead them towards success.

The common reasons why people procrastinate are:

  1. Lack of self-confidence is one of the reasons. If people are not confident that they can do this work, they will try to delay or avoid the work.
  2. Some people have the misconception that if they avoid a certain work, some other person will do it.
  3. People may not feel motivated to do some tasks, as it may not be adding any value to their work and hence avoid them. But being at workplace, there will be such tasks which all must do, like some mandatory training, drills etc.

So, how can one avoid procrastination? The key lies in proper time management. If you manage your time effectively, it will give you more control on your workload and self-confidence.

The following steps can help you to avoid procrastination.

  1. Firstly, you need to accept that you have the tendency to procrastinate. Once you accept, ask yourself, why are you showing this behavior. After identifying the reasons, think about how can you overcome those reasons.
  2. Make a to-do list in a piece of paper and have it in front of you. Having the written to-do list in front of you, will not let you ignore your work for long.
  3. Get rid of the distractions that are making you avoid certain work. It can be your inclination to social media, smartphone, colleagues etc. Even a cluttered desktop or a desk can cause this behavior. So, tidy your desk and desktop, and then try to concentrate on the work.
  4. Discuss your work that you are finding difficult with others. Discussions may give you some ideas and more understanding about the work. Once you overcome your worries about that work, you will not tend to delay or avoid it.
  5. Constant thinking of failure also sometimes leads to procrastination. That fear prevents you to start that work. At such times, just get started on the work without thinking. Once you start working, you will gain some confidence and the fear of failure will be gone.
  6. Reward yourself. Yes, in the beginning set yourself a goal that, if you finish this work before the deadline you are going to reward yourself. Celebrate your success every time you accomplish a task on time.

Always be positive in your thoughts and put away all the negative thoughts. Once you start thinking positive, you will feel confident in taking up difficult tasks and kick the habit of procrastination.

Here are some good books on procrastination that you would definitely like to read:

#1 Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now

By Jane B. Burka and  Lenora M. Yuen

 Based on their workshops and counseling experience, psychologists Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen offer a probing, sensitive, and at times humorous look at a problem that affects everyone: students and scientists, secretaries and executives, homemakers and salespeople. Procrastination identifies the reasons we put off tasks—fears of failure, success, control, separation, and attachment—and their roots in our childhood and adult experiences. The authors offer a practical, tested program to overcome procrastination by achieving set goals, managing time, enlisting support, and handling stress. Burka and Yuen even provide tips on living and working with the procrastinators you may know.

Wise, effective, and easy to use, this new edition shows why for 25 years Procrastination has been an immediate must-have for anyone who puts things off until tomorrow.

#2 Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change

By Timothy A. Pychyl

Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change by [Pychyl, Timothy A.]Why do we sabotage our own best intentions? How can we eliminate procrastination from our lives for good? Based on current psychological research and supplemented with clear strategies for change, this concise guide will help readers finally break free from self-destructive ideas and habits, and move into freedom and accomplishment. With numerous practical tips for change, Solving the Procrastination Puzzle brings clarity and scientific studies—and a touch of humor!—to the quest for successfully achieving goals. This accessible guide is perfect for entrepreneurs, parents, students, and anyone who wants to get unstuck, stop delaying, and start living their most inspired life.


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