Making To-do Lists

Making to-do list is the best way to manage your work and time. Write down all the tasks assigned to you, including the ones that may take just few seconds to complete. This will avoid you to think and try to recall any pending work throughout the day. This will also place you in a comfortable position, as you will be able to plan your entire day.

Some point to remember about the making the to-do lists

  1. When starting your day at office, never rush yourself to start your work immediately. Instead, always spend some time to make a list of all your tasks for the day. Those 5-10 minutes spent on planning, will help to spend the day in an organized manner.
  2. List down all the tasks assigned to you or planned by you in a diary, or a notepad. The tasks can be day long tasks or may just require few seconds.
  3. During the day, if any new tasks are assigned in between, first note it down in your to-do list, analyze its priority and then schedule to do it.
  4. For large or time consuming tasks, split the tasks into smaller ones so that you can plan them at miniscule level.
  5. Once the tasks are listed down, prioritize and then schedule them.
  6. As you finish your tasks, one by one, place a tick or cross them off from the list. This will give you a lot of satisfaction and ease out the burden of work psychologically.

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