Presentation Content

The common mistake that people commit while making a presentation is giving more attention to the visuals, graphics and designs and ignore the core of the presentation i.e. the content. A solid content is like a foundation for your presentation.

Following are some of the main ingredients that should be the part of your presentation

  1. Be Original: I know everyone tends to refer some similar presentations using the search engines and try to copy the content or the ideas. I am not saying that referring some presentation is bad, but don’t try to copy or get influenced by it. The presentation may be for entirely different purpose, audience and objective. Don’t try to restrict your thoughts by looking for similar presentations. Try to be original and innovative.
  2. Introduction: Introduction is a very important part of your presentation. It should be at the beginning of your presentation. Introduce yourself, your background and why you are here. What are you going to present today and what will be the take aways from your presentation.
  3. Strong Headlines: Try to make strong headlines for the different sections of your presentation. The headlines should provoke an interest in the audience and keep them guessing what is in store them.
  4. Clear message: Don’t try to make complex presentation with complex language and unnecessary information. Try to keep it simple but with clear message. Try to think from the audience point of view, if you able to convey them the message.
  5. Story Telling: Story telling is an art which keeps the audience engage. Try to build a story around your presentation especially if you are targeting a long presentation. Stories are easy to understand remember. So if you want the audience to remember your content, try to make it more interesting to them. Think of some short stories or examples around your main pointers. This will make your content more interesting and engaging.
  6. Support with Facts and data: Always try to include relevant data and facts to support your argument. Data can be from the financial report, news article, surveys, competitor data etc. If you are trying to place an argument based on certain information, try to show that fact in your presentation also. This will eliminate the doubt from the audience and they will tend to be in agreement with you.
  7. Summary and Conclusion: Always try to end your presentation with a summary or a conclusion. This will help the audience to recall and take away the important points from the presentation. It is also a way to conclude that all the pointers mentioned in your introduction are covered during the


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