Brain Teasers – Part 4

Here we have come up with some more interesting brain teasers to tickle your brain. Try to solve them in the shortest time possible 1. Water Jug Puzzle from Die Hard 3 You have a five-gallon jug and a three-gallon jug, but no measuring marks on them. You need to measure out exactly four gallons... Continue Reading →

Some Quick Brain Teaser Questions- Part 2

Hope you enjoyed the last set of brain teasers Some Quick Brain Teaser Questions. Lets have some more fun in solving these brain teasers. What disappears the moment you say its name? What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters? Take away the whole and some still remains.... Continue Reading →

Some Quick Brain Teaser Questions

Like our body, the brain also needs exercise to remain fit. Brain teasers let the brain do some thinking in an unconventional direction to find the answers to the tricky questions. So here are the 10 brain teasers questions. Solve them and find the answers in the link mentioned below. What travels fast? Hot or... Continue Reading →

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